Before getting started with any new workout regime, we recommend consulting your doctor. As every pregnancy is different, you should always make sure whichever one you choose is the right one for you!
To help make yoga during your pregnancy more enjoyable, we have compiled some tips...
For all standing poses where the feet are to be together, make sure to stand with your feet hip width apart. Lower your knees when it comes to push ups or planks. Don’t jump; whether it’s the float to the front of the mat in Sun Salutations, yoga burpees, etc.
To avoid:
When practicing certain twists, to avoid putting too much stress on your belly, make sure you’re not twisting outwards towards your knee. Instead, do the same twists but away from your knee. This will ensure your belly stays open and your spine still reaps the benefits of the pose. The only twist which should be avoided completely is the chair pose twist, as the bend towards your knees doesn’t leave enough room for your bump.
If you feel like your back needs a nice stretch, you can do a seated open twist. Turn to the open side, like away from your knee.
Locust Pose
Any asanas where you’re lying on your front should be avoided as they put too much pressure on your belly. Instead, try Camel Pose, Warrior III, Half Moon, Chairs Pose to work your back safely.
Folding over poses
Take Plow Pose as an example. It’s not the pose itself that causes issues, but rather the way of getting out of it. Rolling back down on the mat takes too much core work. Forward Fold would be suitable as long as you stand hip width apart. As for Downward Dog, it is okay as long as it feels good to you.
Crunching Poses
Steer clear of poses such as Core Boat or Plank. Crunches in general are very stressful for your belly, you really shouldn’t do them at all whilst pregnant. Neither in Core Boat Pose nor any other crunch-related exercises.
To do:
Back & Belly
Cat & Cow really strengthens your deep core muscles and also lengthens your spine! An amazing way to stretch your belly and fight back pain.
Legs & Posture
Warrior II is a great way to strengthen your legs, back also your core! It also stretches your inner thighs and lengthens your spine. When it feels uncomfortable, reduce the range.
Glutes & Hamstrings
Bridge Pose! It’s totally safe during pregnancy. It works your glutes, core and hamstrings. Make sure to keep breathing! This is also a great way to reduce some stress in the abs.
Hip Flexibility
Pigeon Pose allows you to get a nice stretch in your glutes & hips, because the knee’s bend in front, so you will have enough space for your belly - even in the third trimester!
Balance Challenge – work on your balance with tree pose. It also strengthens your core, legs and glutes.
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